How and Where To Buy Vitamins

How and Where To Buy Vitamins

So if you want authentic versions of the best supplements sold in America, what should you do?

Glad you asked.

Fullscript offers an online pharmacy on which patients can now order any products in the Emerson professional supplement catalog. All you have to do is sign up under my Fullscript link since I have a health professional account with them. Check out my “Favorites” once you’re inside the shop.

What is Cardiometabolic Health, Anyway?

What is Cardiometabolic Health, Anyway?

Ten years ago, cardiologist Steven Sinatra, M.D., and I came together to write a book called The Great Cholesterol Myth, which, as you can imagine, was a pretty controversial name for a book. It landed us on the Dr. Oz show where I said, “Trying to reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering your LDL cholesterol is like trying to reduce the calories on your whopper by taking off the lettuce.”
That statement is even truer today than it was a decade ago.

What To Do When You See Graviola On The Label

What To Do When You See Graviola On The Label

That fruit is called graviola, a most unusual fruit that can grow up to an impressive 14 pounds.
Unless you’ve traveled to Central and South America or Jamaica, you’ve probably never heard of it. We can’t grow it here – the conditions just aren’t ideal – and it doesn’t survive transport very well. But pay attention – because you’re going to start seeing it as an ingredient. And whether it’s in tea, super infused coffee bars that taste like premium chocolate, or super premium skin care products, there are wonderful ways to get graviola’s benefits.

Get Your Eating Back on Track

Get Your Eating Back on Track

If you were given the instructions to “stock up on food for an emergency”, what’s the first thing you’d think of? Chances are the first few things on your list – and probably everyone else’s lists as well -- come in boxes. Indeed, for some of us, almost everything on...

Has the Cholesterol Test Outlived its Usefulness?

Has the Cholesterol Test Outlived its Usefulness?

Ten years ago, cardiologist Steven Sinatra, M.D., and I came together to write a book called The Great Cholesterol Myth, which, as you can imagine, was a pretty controversial name for a book. It landed us on the Dr. Oz show where I said, “Trying to reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering your LDL cholesterol is like trying to reduce the calories on your whopper by taking off the lettuce.”
That statement is even truer today than it was a decade ago.

Three Health Mistakes Men Make

Three Health Mistakes Men Make

FOX-29 – KABB-TV SAN ANTONIO, TX – I’ve been on this show a million times and I love it! Listen carefully and you’ll hear a light rhythmic soundscape underneath our interview—the work of their in-house DJ, local legend Xavier “The Freakin Rican” Garcia!  In this clip, I talk to host Kimberly Crawford about three things that men ignore that can lead to big health consequences!

Revamp Your Man’s Health!

Revamp Your Man’s Health!

KENS-5 TV—SAN ANTONIO, TX – I love this show, the hosts are always so into health, fitness and nutrition. On this clip I talk about three things men ignore—snoring, their bellies, and their prostates. I give a suggestion for what to do about each one.

Three Things Most Guys Neglect

Three Things Most Guys Neglect

I’m appearing on some of my favorite local morning TV shows in San Antonio this week, and I’m talking about things that guys tend to ignore—their snoring, their prostate and their belly. (If you’re female and reading this, you’re probably nodding.) Here’s why they...

How to Find The Love of Your Life

How to Find The Love of Your Life

I met the romantic love of my life seven years ago—at age 63, by the way—and for the last seven years more than a few people have asked me for “the secret”. “How”, they’ll say, “do you find the true love of your life”? Well, couple of things to say about that…. One, I...

A 12-Step Group for Barbie Addiction?

A 12-Step Group for Barbie Addiction?

There’s an old story about a guy who keeps banging his head against a wall. The guy goes to a psychiatrist. “Why do you keep banging your head against the wall?” the psychiatrist asks. “Because”, says the man, “it feels so good when I stop.” I can relate. Maybe so can...

What Do Men REALLY Want?

What Do Men REALLY Want?

The legendary radio personality Tom Leykis used to say that men were so simple you could sum them up in six words: “I’m hungry, I’m thirsty, I’m horny”. Guys would listen to him, grin sheepishly and nod in agreement, because they recognized the essential truth. Many...

The Three Supplements Every Man Needs

The Three Supplements Every Man Needs

OK, let’s get real for a minute: When it comes to health, women are generally way more knowledgeable than men. Women make 80% of the health decisions in the family. They buy 70% of health, diet and self-improvement books. They’re much more likely to schedule doctor’s...

The Do-Something Principle

The Do-Something Principle

Practically everyone in the world has struggled with a lack of motivation. As an author and speaker I hear it virtually every day. “I seem to have lost my motivation.” “I just can’t get motivated.” “I’m just not inspired.” “I know what I need to do, but I just can’t...

For Caretakers Everywhere

For Caretakers Everywhere

My dogs and I have a very nice arrangement. Here’s what they get: A warm bed, a roof over their head, dog food magically appearing at predicable intervals, belly rubs. Here’s what I get in return: I get to take care of them. You might be thinking, oh, he’s being...

Does it matter where your food comes from?

Does it matter where your food comes from?

Despite the best efforts of the food industry to make us think our food just magically somehow appears in the supermarket aisle, our food actually comes from somewhere. And where it comes from—where and how it grows in the case of plants, what it eats and how it was...

Are starchy vegetables fattening?

Are starchy vegetables fattening?

Are starchy vegetables fattening? Believe it or not, there’s a ton of confusion out there about vegetables, particularly the starchy ones. Are some of them more “fattening” than others? Should they be avoided? Let’s take a look. Vegetables are usually classified as...

The Mighty Pumpkin

The Mighty Pumpkin

This is the perfect time of year to talk about pumpkin, ‘cause we pretty much ignore it every month but October, November and December. So while it’s fresh in our minds, how about a little reappraisal of this underappreciated gem of a vegetable? Let’s start with...

What it feels like to be 70

What it feels like to be 70

[vc_row][vc_column el_class="j-like-to"][vc_column_text]I’m going to tell you what it feels like to be 70 years old. But first, a quick story. My brother is a therapist, and he once told me of a client who said to him, “Mr. Bowden. I’m a single mother of two, I’m...