The Most Effective Ways to Live Longer

The Most Effective Ways to Live Longer

Healthy aging is a passion of Dr. Jonny’s. At age 70, he looks, feels and acts like someone 20 years younger, and he wants you to be able to do the same. This book is a compendium of the research on healthy aging and vital living. You’ll learn the easy steps you can take right now that will make a huge—and immediate— difference in how your overall health and vitality. The only caveat: you’ll wonder why you didn’t do these things sooner!

A 12-Step Group for Barbie Addiction?

A 12-Step Group for Barbie Addiction?

There’s an old story about a guy who keeps banging his head against a wall. The guy goes to a psychiatrist. “Why do you keep banging your head against the wall?” the psychiatrist asks. “Because”, says the man, “it feels so good when I stop.” I can relate. Maybe so can...
What Do Men REALLY Want?

What Do Men REALLY Want?

The legendary radio personality Tom Leykis used to say that men were so simple you could sum them up in six words: “I’m hungry, I’m thirsty, I’m horny”. Guys would listen to him, grin sheepishly and nod in agreement, because they recognized the essential truth. Many...