Grass-fed meat: Hype or Hope?
This is a fact: Cows weren’t meant to eat grain. Seriously. It’s just not their natural diet. You can make them eat it, just like you can make lions in the zoo eat Cheerios, but it’s not what they normally eat, and they won’t do well on it. And you won’t do well if...
Can Whey Protein Help You Lose Weight?
Whey protein may be a great weapon in the fight against type 2 diabetes. And it may also help you lose weight. We’ve actually known this for a while– just last year, in the world Journal of Diabetes, researchers published a paper entitled Whey Protein: The...
Why I Hate the New Dietary Guidelines, Part Two
Last month I told you why I think it’s very hard to take the USDA dietary guidelines very seriously.

The Mediterranean Diet vs. The Smart Fat Program
A lot of people have asked me a really interesting question: How does the Smart Fat Program differ from

SMART FAT: The Book.
If you work at Whole Foods, sooner or later someone is going to ask you about Smart Fat. And I, for one, think that’s a very good sign.