Seven Part Lifestyle Plan- STEP ONE: Eat Real Food
Whenever someone tells me how confused they are about diet—which is pretty much every day of my life—this is what I tell them to do. It’s the simplest, easiest “intervention” you can do. It doesn’t require counting grams, calories, ounces. It doesn’t require that you...
Grilling Your Way to Cancer? You don’t have to.
There is a smart way to grill, and a dumb way to grill. The first helps protect your health, the other does exactly the opposite.
Seven Spices that Can Improve Your Life
I know that it may sound like a little bit of hyperbole but I think by the time you finish reading this, you will agree that these are probably some of the most under-rated substances in the entire world.

Omega-7 for Inflammation?
I would like to talk to you about the reason why I recently added Omega-7 to my daily supplement regimen.
Drink Green Tea for Supreme Health
I’m a huge fan of tea for its health and revitalizing properties. All tea is great, but green tea stands out for one particular compound, EGCG.